Monday, December 26, 2016

Fatigue - General Weakness

Fatigue can be called simple tiredness with repeated variation of stress. It often starts due to lack of sleep. It can also follow both emotional and physical problems. Symptoms like muscular pains, headache, sometimes a slightly raised temperature, extreme weakness of the arms and legs may develop.
Tiredness mat be a result of some hormonal imbalance such as premenstrual syndrome, menopause, diabetes and asthma. Symptoms which are generally found in cases of fatigue are: Dry skin, falling hair, intolerance to cold, scanty urine, vomiting confusion, loss appetite, lack of concentration, poor memory, lack of sexual desire, depression, irritability.

‘Homeopathic Kali Phos’ taken orally is good for – physical and mental exhaustion with a dislike to meet people. Headache, especially in students and those worn out by fatigue. Irritable, anxious and very nervous.

‘ Homeopathic Chininum Ars’ weariness and prostration, skin feel icy cold and is associated with loss of appetite and a great thirst for water. Sometime insomnia / sleeplessness.

Acupuncture Treatment: Li4, Li11, UB 40, Lu 7 are very good ac pts for fatigue

Bahasa Melayu: Masalah keletihan sering terjadi pada orang-orang tua namun kebelakangan ini masalah keletihan ini juga turut dialami oleh para pegawai yang kerja dipejabat atau orang-orang yang banyak menggunakan fikiran seperti IT expert dsb. Rawatan akupunktur amat sesuai digunakan untuk membuang angin tersumbat dan memberi kesegaran pada tubuh badan.